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  • The chlorophyll molecule bears a striking resemblance to hemaglobin, the red pigment found in the human blood. The red pigment is a web of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen atoms grouped around a single atom of iron. The discovery has led to chlorophyll becoming a useful nutritional aid for the human body.

  • Chlorophyll is the green pigment in plants responsible for photosynthesis, the process by which sunlight is converted into energy. Known to do wonders for your health, chlorophyll supports detoxification of the body helping you lose weight. Proliferating good bacteria in the gut, it can strengthen immune function, keeping you stronger and healthier!

  • It is said to help improve blood circulation, cleanse internal organs, increase resistance against diseases, reduce tiredness, fortify cell walls, improve digestion, strengthen the reproductive system, relieve sore throat, eliminate bad breath, remove body odour, and so much more!